Samtalespørsmål til hver film på engelsk

There are three moments of discussion in each film, with 4 questions for each discussion. The main question in each section – in bold – is already translated in the subtitles, but there is not enough screen space to put the 3 supplementary questions onto the films. For this reason we have translated all 4 questions for each section below.




  • What games or activities did you enjoy as a child?
  • What were your favourite sweets or meals as a child?
  • What part of the world did you grow up in and what was it like?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • What do you think people are looking for most in their lives?
  • What is happiness? Is it possible to find?
  • If you knew the world was going to end in one hour, what would you do?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • What helps you to relax and de-stress?
  • What advice would you give someone who says they are too busy?
  • How would you cope without your mobile phone or the internet?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?




  • What were the religious beliefs and practices of your grandparents?
  • Did have any religious traditions growing up at home or school?
  • Are the people around you mainly religious or non-religious? What are the main religions in your area?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Why do you think many people find it hard to believe in God?
  • Do you know anyone who has lost their religious faith and why?
  • Do you know anyone who has converted to a new religious faith and why?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • What are your own thoughts about the existence of God?
  • Do you think there are any good reasons to believe in God?
  • Who are the most impressive religious people you know (personally or from the news or from history)?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?




  • Which churches or religious buildings have you ever visited? Which is your favourite and why?
  • What struck you about the churches or religious buildings you have visited? What features stood out for you?
  • Which is your favourite place in the world and why?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • If you were God, what would you do to convince people that you existed?
  • If God exists, do you think he would want to communicate with us? Why?
  • What do you think about the idea that God is “personal”: that he made us and knows us and loves us?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • What comes to mind when you think about Jesus? What have you learnt or picked up about him?
  • Why do you think Jesus is so important to people of Christian faith?
  • What do you associate with the idea of Christianity or with Christians?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?




  • Do you believe in miracles?
  • What do you associate with Christmas and Easter? Do you know anything about the Christian meaning of Christmas and Easter?
  • What do you know about any other religious festivals or secular holidays?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Can you think of anyone who has given up their life for another person or a cause?
  • Can you imagine a situation where you might give up your life for someone else?
  • How would you respond if you knew someone had given up their life for you?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Do you believe in life after death? What do you think happens to us after death?
  • Why do you think many people find it hard to believe in life after death?
  • What do you think about the idea that Jesus died and rose from the dead for us? What difference might it make?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?




  • Have you ever had a moment of inspiration or some kind of spiritual experience?
  • What helps you to find peace or rest in your life?
  • What do you do when you need to make an important decision?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • What have been your best experiences of community or family?
  • Can you describe your ideal community?
  • Which person has been the biggest influence on your life and why?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Have you ever gone to a religious service of any kind? What signs and symbols do you remember?
  • What is your impression of Christians and Christianity?
  • What do you think about the idea that we can connect to God through worship and community?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?




  • What are your favourite books or films?
  • What’s your favourite TV series?
  • What music do you like to listen to?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Where do you look for guidance or inspiration when you need it?
  • Have you ever read the bible?
  • Have you read or learnt about any sacred books from other religious traditions?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Do you know any bible stories or stories from other religious traditions?
  • Have any of these stories helped or inspired you? Which is your favourite and why?
  • If the bible could give you the answer to any question, which question would you ask?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?




  • What makes us trust some people more than others?
  • Who are the people you trust most and why?
  • Do you think it is generally good to trust others?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • What were the main religious beliefs or human values or moral principles that you grew up with?
  • How have your beliefs or values changed over the years?
  • What are the most important values you hold today and why?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • What do you think about the idea of taking a step of faith? Is it attractive to you? Or what holds you back?
  • Do you think faith can be justified or is it always unexplainable?
  • Can you think of a risk you have ever taken? Was it worth it?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?




  • Have you ever prayed or gone to a religious service? What was it like?
  • If you pray: Why do you pray? What’s your usual way of praying?
  • If you don’t pray: What holds you back?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Do you think that prayer can make a difference to people’s lives?
  • Do you know other people who pray? Do you know why or how they pray?
  • If God is all powerful, why do you think he sometimes seems to ignore our prayers?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Why do you think many people find it hard to pray?
  • What do you think about the idea that God is listening to us and wants to answer our prayers?
  • What do you think about the idea of praying with other people?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?




  • Do you think there is such a thing as right and wrong? Why?
  • Do you think morality changes from one culture or country or religion to another?
  • Do you think human beings are free? Do you think people can change?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Where do people get their moral values from? What influences them?
  • Who has been the greatest moral guide or inspiration in your life?
  • Do you think we need moral guidance from the bible or elsewhere, or can we work out everything for ourselves?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • What would you like to achieve in life?
  • What would you like to be remembered for?
  • When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?




  • What is love?
  • Can you love someone even if you don’t like them? Or they don’t like you?
  • Do you think “sacrificial” love is possible? Is it wise?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • Who is the most loving person you have known personally and why?
  • Who is the greatest example of human goodness you have heard or learnt about? What makes them so special?
  • What do you think is the purpose of life?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


  • What do you think of the idea that God loves us and wants us to love him in return?
  • What do you think of the idea that we can know God through his Son Jesus Christ?
  • If you knew God were listening to you, what would you tell him or ask him?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?


FILM 11 – The Light of Christ



  • Think of some famous logos or advertising straplines. Why do they work?
  • What symbols are used by the different religions? What do they mean?
  • How many Christian symbols can you think of? What does each one represent?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • Have you ever felt the presence of God in your life? What did the experience mean to you?
  • What comes to mind when you think about Jesus? How would you explain him to someone else? What does he mean to you?
  • Where did you learn about Jesus? Where do your ideas come from?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • How would you describe God to someone who knew nothing about him?
  • What are your favourite images of God or ideas about God?
  • When you pray, do you speak to «God» or to «the Father» or to «Jesus» or to «the Holy Spirit»? Do you know why? What difference does it make to your prayer?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



FILM 12 – Creation, Fall, Salvation



  • Do you think human beings are different from other animals?
  • What is beauty? What are the most beautiful things you have ever seen or heard or experienced?
  • What examples of human goodness can you think of?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • Do you think it’s possible to find meaning in suffering?
  • Why do you think people suffer? Is suffering avoidable?
  • Why do you think people sin and sometimes do evil?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • Do you think you need a Saviour?
  • Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Saviour? What helps you believe or what holds you back?
  • What would you do in life if you had no fear and knew you could not fail?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



FILM 13 – The Community of the Church



  • What are you looking for in your ideal community?
  • What are your experiences of church and Christian community?
  • If you could design a perfect community centre, what would it have in it and why?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • What different Christian churches or denominations have you come across? What are the differences between them? What special gifts or characteristics does each one have?
  • What things do you associate with the Catholic Church in particular?
  • Do you think Christians need a historical, apostolic Church that goes back to Jesus? Or is this less important?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • Do you think you can be a Christian without belonging to a church?
  • As well as the bible, where can we look for Christian wisdom and teaching and guidance?
  • How do you think Christians can become more united?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



FILM – The Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation



  • What’s the most interesting or inspiring religious service you have you been to? What stood out for you?
  • Have you been at church when someone was celebrating a sacrament? Which one? What do you remember about the service?
  • Can you share any particular ways that Jesus has «spoken» to you or «touched» your life?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • If you could make a new start, with God’s help, and change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  • What excites you about the knowledge that you have been baptised or that you might get baptised?
  • What makes it hard for you to believe or to witness to your faith in front of other people?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • Who is the wisest person you have known? What makes them special?
  • Have you prayed to the Holy Spirit? If you could ask for one spiritual gift (e.g. prophecy or compassion or working miracles or teaching) what would it be and why?
  • If you are confirmed: What do you remember about your confirmation? What difference did it make for you? If you are preparing for confirmation: Why do you want to be confirmed?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



FILM 15 – The Holy Eucharist



  • If God is everywhere, what’s the point of going to church on Sundays?
  • What is your experience of coming to Mass or to other Christian Sunday services?
  • Which parts of the Mass, or which symbols within the Mass, do you find most interesting or helpful?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • When are the times that you feel closest to God?
  • Have you ever experienced God’s presence in Church?
  • What do you think about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? Do you find it easy or hard to believe? What difference could it make to your life and faith?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • If you discovered that someone had died to save your life, what difference would it make?
  • Can you describe any crosses or crucifixes you have seen? What do you think about the idea that Jesus offered his life on the Cross to take away our sins and bring us salvation?
  • What do you think about the idea that the Mass is a Sacrifice that unites us with the Cross of Jesus? What difference could it make to your life and faith?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



FILM 16 – Forgiveness, Healing and Mission



  • Do you think forgiveness is possible? Can you give any examples? (Without sharing anything too personal!)
  • Why is it hard to overcome our sins and bad habits? What can help us? (Without giving too much personal detail!)
  • What positive experiences have you had of going to confession? (Please don’t share your actual sins!)
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • When someone is sick, what kind of support do they most need?
  • As a society in general, and as a Christian community, how do you think we can reach out more to help the sick?
  • Do you have any experiences of healing, whether physical or psychological or spiritual?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • What’s your experience of talking about religion or sharing your faith with others? Is it easy or difficult?
  • How have other people shared their Christian faith with you or witnessed to what they believe?
  • How, practically, could you share your own faith with others? What holds you back?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



FILM 17 – The Christian Vocations



  • Have you ever felt called or inspired to do something?
  • What vocation do you find most inspiring and why? Can you think of some Christian saints and what vocations they each followed?
  • How did you discover your own vocation or way of life? What «signs» spoke to you along the way? Where did you look for guidance? Or what are you looking for now?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • What things help to make a good marriage and a happy family?
  • Can you think of any couples who have been a good example of marriage for you and why?
  • What are the most important values for family life? What can make family life difficult? What can help families rediscover healing and peace again?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • Do you know any priests or religious brothers, sisters, monks, nuns, etc?
  • What do you know about their way of life, their work, their prayer?
  • What gifts do you think they can bring to the Church and to society?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



FILM 18 – The Social Teaching of the Church



  • Who are the most caring and compassionate people you have known and why?
  • Can you give examples of how respect for human dignity has improved in recent decades?
  • Are there ways that human dignity is threatened in our society today? What examples can you share of people working to defend the dignity and rights of others?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • What do you need to build a good society? What values or social structures or laws are most important?
  • Do you think Christianity requires you to be more «left wing» or «right wing», more «socialist» or «capitalist»?
  • If you wanted to campaign and change something in society then how, practically, could you go about it most effectively?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • Do you think you should always tell the truth?
  • Who are the most trustworthy people you know? What is it about them? Do you know what made them like this?
  • Do you have any experiences of feeling called to follow your conscience, even when it was difficult? (But without sharing anything too personal)
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



FILM 19 – How to Pray



  • Why do you think people pray? What motivates them to start?
  • What are the benefits of prayer? What difference does it actually make?
  • What are the things that can stop us praying?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • Have your prayers ever been answered?
  • What’s your experience of reading or praying with the bible?
  • Do you find it easy to talk to God? To say “thank you” or “help” or “sorry”? To sit in silence?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • What’s your favourite way of praying or your most common way of praying?
  • Did you pick up any religious practices or devotions at home when you were growing up? What are your favourite religious customs?
  • What advice would you give someone who wanted to start praying?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



FILM 20 – Mary and the Hope of Heaven



  • If someone invented a pill that meant you would never die, would you take it?
  • How do you think we deal with death in our society today? What customs or traditions do you associate with dying and death in your culture?
  • What difference does it make to know that we face God’s judgment after death? That we have the hope of eternal life?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • Can you think of some well-known saints? What are they famous for?
  • Who is your personal favourite saint and why? What is your experience of getting to know the saints and praying to them?
  • What do you think of the idea that God is calling you to be a saint? What can you do about it?!
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?



  • If you think about heaven, how do you imagine it to be?
  • What does the Virgin Mary mean to you personally? How do you relate to her? What has helped you get to know her? What questions do you have about devotion to Mary?
  • What practical things could help you grow in your Christian faith at this stage in your life? What resolutions or steps could you take?
  • What other ideas or questions strike you from this part of the film?